ESACT Frontiers Webinar Series

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After a very successful first series, we are very excited to bring you a new Webinar Series for 2022.

Michael Heath, a coach who already offered us all fantastic sessions about communication and teambuilding in our previous Retreats in Lyon and Zagreb and hosted our last series is back to support us this year with three new topics based on the feedback we received from you. We hope you will enjoy them and they will give you the opportunity to further develop your soft skills.

Topics, dates, and registration forms are available below.

Useful information

How to join?

  • Registration is open and available below on this page.
  • You have to register for each individual webinar using the online forms below.
  • Once you do you will receive e-mail confirmation of your registration.
  • We will contact you again closer to the webinar date with more details and to provide you with the material for the pre-webinar tasks you will be asked to complete before the webinar so you can get the most out of the activity.

What to pay?

  • Nothing! These Webinars will be free for you as they are sponsored by ESACT and ESACT Frontiers.

If you need more information, please feel free to contact us at

Looking forward to virtually meeting all of you again!

Past Webinars

6. Resilience Through Change – May 24th 2022 4-5 pm (CET)

5. Giving and Receiving Feedback – April 20th 2022 4-5 pm (CET)

As you progress in your career, you will be asked to provide feedback to others. It might be someone who works for you, a co-worker or even someone senior to you.

This session guides you through proven techniques that will enable you to give constructive and helpful feedback to those who do you work alongside.

Registration for this webinar is closed.

The session was recorded and will be shared with you if you already registered. The link can also be made available on request

4. Stepping Up to Management – March 25th 2022 4-5 pm (CET)

Many people see the step up to a management role as something to aspire to in their careers. It’s a visible sign of your growing stature and it’s great to have the chance to enthuse people with your own ideas. But it is well known that the ‘step up’ to that first role is one that is fraught with dangers. Many do not make a good impression because they choose behaviours which actually weaken their standing within the team.

This session is aimed at helping early-career scientists avoid those common ‘new manager’ errors whilst also building a deeper understanding of the positive actions that will establish a real sense of authority and leadership.

Registration for this webinar is closed.

The session was recorded and will be shared with you if you already registered. The link can also be made available on request

3. Managing Your Manager – Mar 11th 2021

Some years ago, an online survey found that, “48% said they would fire their boss if they could.” So, is your manager a devil or an angel? Either way you have to build a relationship that secures a more enjoyable working life. A relationship that needs you to establish how your boss can work best with you. Michael Heath kicks off the webinar with the 4 generations that are currently in the workplace, and briefly describes how each has a different ‘view’ on the world of work. He then moves on to the positive things you can do to shape a great relationship with your manager before turning, finally, to those who are managed virtually.

Pre-webinar activity:

Delegates complete a short personality profile for themselves and their manager and bring it with them to the webinar to share their answers.

Registration for this webinar is closed

2. Having Difficult Conversations – Feb 17th 2021

All of us, at some time in our career, will have to have a conversation that we are not looking forward to. After all, if we are assertive and believe in ourselves, then there will be occasions when we have to stand up for our beliefs, especially against those who are seeking to either manipulate or undermine us. The key behaviour is self-control and Michael Heath shares the ‘tricks’ the brain can play on us; he then moves on to the best way to get into the right frame of mind for a difficult conversation and how to structure it so that we retain control of the situation.

Pre-webinar activity:

You will be asked to complete a ‘Difficult Conversations’ questionnaire and bring it with you to the webinar to share your answers.

Registration for this webinar is closed

1. Assertive Communication – Jan 26th 2021

Ask several people to differentiate between assertive and aggressive behaviour and you’ll find many get confused. Yet they are distinct and separate. In Michael Heath’s webinar, he first addresses what we mean by ‘effective communication’ before attacking the thinking ‘traps’ that beset so many people in the workplace. The webinar then turns to the subject of assertiveness itself, what it looks like and why it’s so important to people to master early in their career.

Pre-webinar activity: 

You will be asked to complete the ‘Communication Styles’ and ‘Imposter Syndrome’ questionnaires and bring your answers to the webinar.

Registration for this webinar is closed